Embark on a vibrant adventure in Spirito, our 2D puzzle game where the player can shift between the sun and moon realm at any time. Powered by our custom Rose game engine. Click to go to our website!
Custom tile set completely made by me, with a strong emphasis on flexibility and modularity, ensuring that it can be easily adapted to any theme. Although the set is nearly finished, it remains unused for now.
Firebird is the name given to a custom tile set project designed to be both user-friendly like the Gameboy Zelda tile sets and visually captivating like the Minish Cap aesthetics. Find it on PureZC (3.58 MB)
Creators: Jonathan, Linkus, Relic, Sheik, Migokalle and special thanks to the PureZC community.
Copyright: THE LEGEND OF ZELDA is a trademark of Nintendo.
Echoes of Aurelia was an authentic Legend of Zelda “fan game” with an experience similar to Minish Cap. Created in Gamemaker.
Download Engine Demo (24.8 MB)
Art & Design: Jonathan. Engine: Dietmar Puschmann aka Rayo and Freki. Music: Maximilian. And thanks to various contributors!
Copyright: Various screenshots contain game art created by Nintendo. THE LEGEND OF ZELDA is a trademark of Nintendo.
Schoolgame is a school project that I developed using Gamemaker. The main objective of the project was to create a pixel art representation of our entire school and allow users to navigate through it.
Download Schoolgame.zip (6 MB)